This product is a 1:2 scale replica of a tiger skull, crafted to capture the impressive structure and powerful features of this apex predator. Measuring approximately half the size of...
This product is an exact replica of a Manatee skull, accurately representing the unique cranial features of these gentle marine mammals. This high-quality skull replica is perfect for educational displays,...
This product is an exact replica of an alligator gar skull, meticulously crafted to highlight the distinctive and powerful features of this ancient fish. Available in both full and reduced...
This product is an exact replica of an alligator snapping turtle skull. This high-quality replica captures the intricate details of this unique species’ skull structure, making it ideal for collectors,...
This product is an exact replica of an American alligator skull, meticulously crafted to capture the powerful and distinctive cranial features of this iconic reptile. This high-quality skull replica, available...
This product is an exact replica of an American Badger skull, capturing the robust features and distinct anatomy of this tenacious North American mammal. This high-quality, 1:1 scale skull replica...
This product is an exact replica of a black bear skull, expertly crafted to capture the robust and distinctive features of this widely recognized North American mammal. This high-quality skull...
This product is an exact replica of a Virginia Opossum skull, offering a detailed view of the unique cranial features of North America’s only marsupial. This high-quality skull replica is...
This product is an exact replica of an armadillo girdled lizard skull, crafted to capture the distinct features and unique adaptations of this fascinating species. This high-quality skull replica is...
This product is a detailed 1/3 scale replica of an Asian Elephant skull, offering an impressive view of the massive and intricate cranial structure of this iconic mammal. This high-quality...
This product is an exact replica of an Asian Water Monitor skull, showcasing the impressive anatomy of one of the largest lizard species. This high-quality skull replica is ideal for...
This product is an exact 1:1 scale replica of an Atlantic Puffin skull, capturing the unique features of this charismatic seabird. Crafted with precision, this high-quality replica is an excellent...
This product is an exact replica of an Atlantic wolffish skull, meticulously crafted to showcase the powerful and distinctive features of this fascinating marine predator. This high-quality, 1:1 scale skull...
This product is an exact 1:1 scale replica of an Aye-Aye skull, meticulously designed to capture the unique features of this fascinating primate. This high-quality replica is ideal for educational...
This product is an exact 1:1 scale replica of a Bald Eagle skull. With high-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, this skull replica showcases the powerful structure of the Bald...
This product is an exact replica of a banjo catfish skull, capturing the unique and delicate structure of this bottom-dwelling freshwater fish. This high-quality, 1:1 scale skull replica is ideal...